Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Unleashed

Search Engine Optimization Essentials:

1) Have a Descriptive Domain:
Ex: If the website is about web designing make sure you include some descriptive terms in the URL while registering a domain. For example: Probably you won’t get a domain that you desire but try to make some combination of descriptive terms and register a domain which suggests what your website is about.

2) Title of the website:

Well, the title is most essential part of SEO. It’s important to have a title that can clearly tell what the website is about.
Ex: Title for should be something like

<title>Web Design, Web Development, Dynamic Websites, E-commerce Websites, CMS Websites, Joomla Web Design</title>

3) Good Use of “Description” Meta Tag:

The description tag must be included for a website if it is to be optimized well. The description tag can contain more no. of characters compared to the Title Tag.

Ex: Descriptiption for could be like

<meta name= “Description” content= “ is about web services featuring professional web design and development. Our services include designing ecommerce websites, corporate websites, cms websites, dynamic web applications, joomla websites and more. Our team also specializes in Quality internet marketing, web promotion, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Online advertising.” />

4) “Keywords” Meta tag:

In this tag, the “keywords” ( words that people use to search for a particular service or product in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL etc. ) have to be added. These keywords determine when your website should be shown up in the search engine results. For example if you want your website to be shown up in the search engine results for the keyword “web design”, this keyword can be included in the keywords tag.

Ex: <meta name= “keywords” content= “web design, website design, web development, cms websites, e-commerce websites, joomla web design, web application development, search engine optimization, seo, internet marketing, web promotion, online advertising, dynamic websites, web services” />

5) Body Content:

the website body content must be written in such a way that it includes all the major keywords and descriptive terms.

6) Use of Heading Tags: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 tags:

The important headings of a web page have to be preferably used with heading tags:

Ex: <h1>Our Web Design Services</h1>
“H1” tag signifies more importance. And all the other tags represent significance according to their numeric values.

7) Use of ALT attribute for images:

Since search engines cannot read the text contained in the images, images must be used with alt tags with desciptive words.

Ex: <img src= “web-design.jpg” alt= “web design”>

The above example tells search engines that the image “web-design.jpg” is about web design.

8) Navigation Links and Page names:

The internal links and pages of a website help search engines determine the useful pages on the website. Link names and page names have to be descriptive.

Ex: <a href= “web-design.html”>web design</a>
In the example above “web-design.html” is a page name and “web design” is a link name.

9) “Content is the King”.

It is said that the “Content is the King” in relating to search engine optimization. So it is always a better practice to have a lot of content relating to the website.

Ex: “” website must give as much as information to users about web design and related web services.

10) Avoiding Broken links:

There are two types of broken links
1) the links that do not have a correct destination page.
2) The pages that do not have a link to reach from.

Quality sites do not have broken links so they should be avoided.